E-commerce Earn-out clause Earnings
Earnings at risk Earnings Before Interest and Taxes Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation
Earnings per share, EPS Earnings retention ratio Earnings yield
EBITDA margin EBITDA multiple EBITDA, Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
EBITDAR, Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortisation and rent EBRD ECM
Economic analysis Economic and Monetary Union Economic indicators of value creation
Economic profit Economic rent Economic risk
Economic value added, EVA, EVA Model Economy of scale ECP
Efficient frontier Efficient market Efficient market hypothesis
Efficient portfolio EFRAG EGM
Electronic bill of exchange Electronic Datoroom Electronic promissory note
Electronic roadshows Eligibility criteria Eligible
Eligible bills ELTIF Embedded option
Embedded Value Emerging countries - cost of capital Emerging Markets
EMIR Employee benefits Employee productivity
Employee savings Employee stock ownership program, ESOP Employee-shareholders
Encumbrance Endowment Enhancement
ENPV Enterprise value Enterprise value multiples
Entrenchment theory Entrepreneur EONIA, Euro Overnight Index Average
EPOS EPS Equalisation tax
Equiduct Equilibrium value Equipment leasing
Equipment Trust Certificates Equity Equity
Equity affiliate Equity beta Equity Capital Markets
Equity capital multiples Equity content Equity credit
Equity crowdfunding Equity cycle Equity in drag
Equity kicker Equity line Equity method
Equity Neutral Convertible Bond Equity premium puzzle Equity ratio
Equity risk premium Equity sponsor Equity story
Equity swap Equity sweetener Equity token
Equity value Equity warrant Equity-for-debt swap
Equity-linked securities Equivalent annual cost method Equivalent rates
ERP Escalation clause Escalator clause
Escrow account ESG ESMA
EUREX EURIBOR, Euribor Eurimean
Euro Euro Commercial Paper (ECP) Euro MTN
Euro Overnight Index Average Euro PP Euro STOXX
Eurobond Euroclear Eurocredits
Eurocurrencies Eurolist Euronext
Euronext Access Euronext Access+ Euronext Growth
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Central Bank European Company, Societas Europaea (SE)
European Financial Reporting Advisory Group European Interbank Offered Rate European Long-Term Investment Fund
European option European Sustainability Reporting Standards European Union
European-style option Eurostat Eurozone
Eurozone Public Offering of Securities EVA EVA model
Event driven Event of default Event-study analysis
Exceptional depreciation Exceptional expenses Exceptional items
Excess loss Exchange controthe government authorities in a given country. Exchange ratio
Exchange risk Exchange traded fund Exchangeable bonds
Exclusive negotiations Exclusivity - M&A process Exercise date
Exercise period Exit Exit clause
Exotic product Expanded net present value, ENPV Expected equity risk premium
Expected outcome Expected return Expected return of a market portfolio
Expected Shortfall Expenses Experience curve
Expert systems Explicit forecast period Explicit time horizon
Export credit Exposure Expropriation effect
Extended trade-off model Extendible Extendible note
EXtensible Business Reporting Language Extension clause External capital
External growth External projects External shareholder
Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, EGM Extraordinary items