IADB IAS IAS Foundation
ICR Identified purchase cost Idiosyncratic risk
IFRS Foundation IFRS Interpretation Committee IFRS S
Ijara Ijara-wa-Iqtina Illiquidity
IMF Immune portfolio Immunisation
Impact Fund Impaired debt Impairment losses
Impairment of current assets Impairment of non-current assets Impairment test
Implicit rating Implied volatility In the money
Incentive contracting Income Income statement
Income stock Incoterms Incremental project
Incubator Incumbrance Indenture
Independent Business Review (IBR) Independent director Index floater
Index management Index trackers Index-linked securities
Indication of Interest Indicative offer or non binding offer Indirect approach
Indirect finance Indirect method Indirect valuation method
Industrial strategy Industrial synergy Industry risk
Ineligible Inertia Inflation
Inflation - financial structure Inflation profit Inflation rate
Inflation risk Inflation-linked bond Info memo
Information - financial markets Information asymmetry Information cascade
Information memorandum Informational efficiency Infrastructure Fund
Initial Coin Offering Initial Coin Offering Initial margin
Initial public offering, IPO Insider Insider trading
Insolvent Instalment Instant payment
Institutional investors Insurance Intangible asset
Intangible capital Intangible fixed asset Integrated reporting
Inter-American Development Bank Inter-company credit Interchangeability
Interest Interest charge Interest cost
Interest cover Interest coverage ratio Interest expense
Interest margin Interest rate Interest rate option
Interest rate risk Interest rate swap rate, IRS rate Interest rate swap, IRS
Interest-bearing Interest-bearing current account Interest-only loan
Interim dividend Interim facilty agreement Interim interest
Interim interest payments Intermediary Intermediated debt
Intermediation Internal capital Internal capital gain
Internal financing Internal growth model Internal growth potential
Internal profits Internal rate of return, IRR Internal shareholder
International Accounting Standard International Accounting Standards Board International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
International bond International Finance Corporation International Monetary Fund
International Swaps and Derivatives Association Intra-annual dividend Intra-group transactions
Intraday Intrinsic risk Intrinsic value - option
Intrinsic value - share Inventories Inventories - weighted average cost method
Inventory turnover ratio Inventory valuation methods Inverse floaters
Invested capital Investing Investment
Investment banking Investment choices Investment club
Investment cycle Investment decision principles Investment grade
Investment grant Investment horizon Investment of funds method
Investment outflows Investment outlay Investment policy
Investment property Investors IOI
IOU IPO IPO discount
ISDA Islamic finance Issue at a discount
Issue at a premium Issue at par Issue discount
Issue price Issue price of a bond Istisna'a