Turnover / Net sales Chiffres d'affaires
Turnover / Net sales Umsatz / Umsatzerlöse
Turnover / Net sales Fatturato / Ricavi netti / Vendite
Turnover / Net sales Ventas Netas
Earnings before depreciation, interest and taxes (EBDIT) / Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) Excédent brut d'exploitation (EBE)
Earnings before depreciation, interest and taxes (EBDIT) / Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) EBITDA
Earnings before depreciation, interest and taxes (EBDIT) / Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) Margine Operativo Lordo (MOL)
Earnings before depreciation, interest and taxes (EBDIT) / Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) Beneficio bruto de explotación (EBITDA)
Depreciation and write-down of assets Amortissements et provisions pour depreciation d'actifs
Depreciation and write-down of assets Planmäßige und außerplanmäßige Abschreibungen
Depreciation and write-down of assets Ammortamenti e svalutazioni
Depreciation and write-down of assets Amortización y depreciación
Operating profit

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
Résultat d'exploitation
Résultat opérationnel
Résultat économique
Operating profit

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
EBIT / Operatives Ergebnis / Betriebserlös / Ordentliches Betriebsergebnis
Operating profit

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
Margine / Reddito Operativo
Operating profit

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
Resultado operativo / Beneficio de explotación (EBIT)
Profit / Earnings before tax Résultat courant avant impôt
Profit / Earnings before tax Ergebnis vor Steuern
Profit / Earnings before tax Risultato prima delle imposte
Profit / Earnings before tax Resultado antes de impuestos
Net income, net profit / net earnings Résultat net
Net income, net profit / net earnings Jahresüberschuss (Jahresfehlbetrag) / Periodenüberschuss
Net income, net profit / net earnings Utile/ Reddito netto
Net income, net profit / net earnings Resultado neto / Beneficio neto
Goodwill depreciation or amortization Amortissement des écarts d'acquisition (survaleur)
Goodwill depreciation or amortization Abschreibung des Geschäfts- / Firmenwertes / Goodwills / Goodwillabschreibung
Goodwill depreciation or amortization Ammortamento del Goodwill / avviamento
Goodwill depreciation or amortization Amortización del fondo de comercio
Impairment losses on goodwill Dépréciation des écarts d'acquisition
Cash flow Capacité d'autofinancement (CAF)
Cash flow Cash Flow / Mittelzufluss (Kapitalflussrechnung)
Cash flow Cash flow / Flusso di cassa
Cash flow Cash flow / Flujo de caja
Shareholders' / stockholders' equity Capitaux propres / Fonds propres / Situation nette / Actif net
Shareholders' / stockholders' equity Eigenkapital
Shareholders' / stockholders' equity Patrimonio netto / mezzi propri
Shareholders' / stockholders' equity Fondos propios
Net (financial) debt Dettes financières nettes / Endettement net
Net (financial) debt Nettoverschuldung / Nettofinanzverbindlichkeiten / Nettofinanzschulden
Net (financial) debt Posizione finanziaria netta
Net (financial) debt Deuda financiera
Capital employed / Invested capital
Fixed assets (intangible + tangible /
Properties Plants & Equipments + investments)
Working capital (inventories + trade debtors /
receivables - trade creditors / payables)
Actif économique
Immobilisations (incorporelles + corporelles + financières)
Besoin en fonds de roulement (stocks + clients - fournisseurs)
Capital employed / Invested capital
Fixed assets (intangible + tangible /
Properties Plants & Equipments + investments)
Working capital (inventories + trade debtors /
receivables - trade creditors / payables)
Betriebsnotwendiges Vermögen = Anlagevermögen (immatrielles Anlagevermögen + Sachanlagevermögen) + Nettoumlaufvermögen (Vorräte + Kundenforderungen – Lieferverbindlichkeiten)
Capital employed / Invested capital
Fixed assets (intangible + tangible /
Properties Plants & Equipments + investments)
Working capital (inventories + trade debtors /
receivables - trade creditors / payables)
Capitali investiti = Immobilizzazioni (immateriali + materiali + finanziarie) + Capitale circolante netto (Rimanenze+ crediti verso clienti- debiti verso fornitori)
Capital employed / Invested capital
Fixed assets (intangible + tangible /
Properties Plants & Equipments + investments)
Working capital (inventories + trade debtors /
receivables - trade creditors / payables)
Activo económico = (Inmovilizado inmaterial + Inmovilizado material + Inmovilizaciones financieras) + (Existencias + Deudores - Acreedores no financieros)
Goodwill Survaleur / écart d'acquisition / goodwill
Goodwill Geschäfts- / Firmenwert / Goodwill
Goodwill Goodwill / avviamento
Goodwill Fondo de comercio
Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Return on invested capital (ROIC)

Operating profit or EBIT x (1 - tax rate) = NOPAT
Capital employed or Invested capital

Rentabilité économique

Résultat d'exploitation x (1 - taux IS)
Actif économique
Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Return on invested capital (ROIC)

Operating profit or EBIT x (1 - tax rate) = NOPAT
Capital employed or Invested capital
Rentabilität des betriebsnotwendigen Vermögens = Ordentliches Betriebsergebnis / Betriebsnotwendiges Vermögens
Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Return on invested capital (ROIC)

Operating profit or EBIT x (1 - tax rate) = NOPAT
Capital employed or Invested capital
Redditività economica = reddito operativo x (1- tasso d'imposta)/attivo economico
Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Return on invested capital (ROIC)

Operating profit or EBIT x (1 - tax rate) = NOPAT
Capital employed or Invested capital
Rentabilidad económica =
Resultado operativo x (1 - tasa de impuesto)
Activo económico
Return on Equity (ROE)
Net profit or Net earnings
Shareholders' equity
Rentabilité des capitaux propres
Résultat net
Capitaux propres
Return on Equity (ROE)
Net profit or Net earnings
Shareholders' equity
Eigenkapitalrentabilität = Jahresüberschuss / Eigenkapital
Return on Equity (ROE)
Net profit or Net earnings
Shareholders' equity
Redditività dei mezzi propri = Utile netto / patrimonio netto
Return on Equity (ROE)
Net profit or Net earnings
Shareholders' equity
Rentabilidad =
Resultado neto / Fondos propios
Gearing / (Financial) leverage =
Net (financial) debt
Shareholders / Stockholders' equity
Levier financier =
Dettes financières nettes ou endettement net
Capitaux propres
Gearing / (Financial) leverage =
Net (financial) debt
Shareholders / Stockholders' equity
Gearing / Financial Leverage = Nettofinanzverbindlichkeiten / Eigenkapital
Gearing / (Financial) leverage =
Net (financial) debt
Shareholders / Stockholders' equity
Leva finanziaria = Indebitamento netto / patrimonio netto
Gearing / (Financial) leverage =
Net (financial) debt
Shareholders / Stockholders' equity
Deuda financiera - Tesorería / Fondos propios
Free cash flows =
- Corporate tax on Operating Profit / EBIT
- Change in working capital
- Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Flux de trésorerie disponible =
Excédent brut d'exploitation
- Impôt sur le résultat d'exploitation
- Variation du BFR
- Investissements
Free cash flows =
- Corporate tax on Operating Profit / EBIT
- Change in working capital
- Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Free Cash Flow (frei verfügbarer Cash Flow) = EBITDA – Steuern auf EBIT –Veränderung des Nettoumlaufvermögens – Cash Flow aus Investitionstätigkeit
Free cash flows =
- Corporate tax on Operating Profit / EBIT
- Change in working capital
- Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Flusso di cassa disponibile/ Free cash flow = Margine operativo lordo - imposta sul reddito operativo - Variazione del capitale circolante netto - investimenti
Free cash flows =
- Corporate tax on Operating Profit / EBIT
- Change in working capital
- Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Flujo de tesorería disponible = beneficio bruto de explotación-impuesto sobre el resultado operativo-variación del fondo de maniobra-inversiones