The Teachers' Space provides teachers with free access to:

  • Case studies and related teaching aids designed to cover a wide range of corporate finance topics. Most of these case studies deal with real situations and/or recent operations ;
  • Slides that can be downloaded and used in lectures/tutorials ;
  • An Instructor's Manual, which gives advice and ideas on how to teach all of the topics discussed in the Vernimmen.

There is no charge for the use of these materials which are reserved for teachers of finance. They can be used freely, providing that intellectual property rights and professional ethics are respected.

Si If you are already registered, click here to identify yourself (use your e-mail address as your user name).

The registration process for new members is as follows:

1. Fill in the form available here

2. After we've checked your teaching credentials (in order to prevent non-teachers accessing this material), we'll send your password to your postal address (which you can then change) enabling you access to the Teachers' Space. This part of the site is secure and accessible only to teachers of finance.

3. It already contains over half a dozen case studies that can be consulted and printed. These are original case studies that were designed in the same spirit as the case studies accessible by all users under case studies. Around half a dozen new case studies will be added to the case study database in the Teachers' Space every year.

4. We have written a teaching aid for each case study. The teaching aids are sent to your postal address in order to prevent non-teachers from getting hold of them. We ask teachers not to distribute the teaching aids and to use them exclusively for their own teaching purposes. The teaching aids set out:

  • Themes covered by the case study
  • The target audience
  • PowerPoint presentations for each chapter of the book
  • Exercises and questions to help you create exams
  • A model answer

Please feel free to contact us via the letter box on the website for any additional information you may require.

Best wishes !

Pascal Quiry and Yann Le Fur